As an active Energetic Wellness Guide, Reiki & Meditation Teacher, Awareness & Embodiment Facilitator, Registered Nurse, Mother, and Passionate Activator of Integrative Self-Healing, Cari integrates and utilizes a combination of ancient and modern healing energy techniques and therapies to gently guide and activate the self-healing abilities within you.

Cari’s focused and embodied emphasis is on teaching Reiki classes as a foundation of promoting less-stress with more balanced wellness, as a connection and portal to exploring spiritual realms, and as an ongoing path of deepening ones awareness and potential as a healer.

Rooted in intuition and created in a safe and open space, Cari weaves it all together during group work, private work, and within classes with you. A flow that allows for peace and relaxationcreating impactful shifts towards overall wellness and a beautiful balance to be restored within you!


We are here to receive, practice, embody and share energy wellness modalities, to awaken and renew our health and happiness. This is the work that I have been called to share through my life journey! This is my truth and my passion . . . to merge our inner and outer worlds, living as energy beings, transcending towards wholeness with compassionate, loving, and conscious self-healing practices, as we integrate it all into our everyday lives!

I invite you to join in this miraculous journey
of exploration and expansion, one where you will remember that you are the creator of becoming aligned and activated, and that you are
b e a u t i f u l l y
w e a v e d !


Life is one flow which we are all a part of. Through trust and surrender, we can open ourselves to accepting the flow . . . allowing life to reveal happiness, peace, and freedom.
You’re invited to join!

Journey with Cari on Instagram: