Cari Beyerstedt is an advocate and activator for integrative self healing practices. She has a unique understanding about how much power lies within us, waiting to be remembered and tapped into! After experiencing decades of life chaos, multiple toxic relationships, teenage pregnancy, deep postpartum depression and eventual feelings of life burnout, she chose to consciously enter into her personal growth and spiritual realms in 2015, and has since been actively practicing and teaching how to collaborate the mind, body, soul and spirit connection to promote peace within.
Becoming a Board Licensed Registered Nurse in 2004, she had worked in Ob/Gyn for 17 years before releasing her western/modern medicine practice to fully immerse herself into original medicine and holistic integrative ways. Cari is professionally trained and certified in and practices/mentors in Reiki, Meditation, and Emotional Release Work. She is currently enrolled in a mentorship with plans to incorporate Spinal Energetics into her work, continuing to create ways for our bodies to unwind the stress and emotional tension that lies within.
She lives in Minnesota with her husband Nick, and together they share five children. Cari describes herself as a helper and a lover. A deep love of life and within the interconnectedness that it can be for us. Cari is a “reframed” bossy person who let control camp out for far too long within her, until she was able to accept and allow it, which then opened the doors to shifting into more joyful and compassionate ways of ease-filled living.
Cari is delighted that you found your way here, and is very much looking forward to meeting you!
Why do I share, teach, mentor & advise?
I recognize and understand energy as a vital, living and moving force that determines much about our well-being and happiness. Our energy systems, fields and meridians are in and around each of us – it is energy that we are all able to sense, feel, connect to, and move with our bodies, within ourselves and with others. Through our evolution, we have always used vibrational and energetic self-healing practices to restore balance on all levels … it’s just that many of us are not taught this from a young age, so we seek to learn as we become more aware of it. We all have the amazing ability to tune into our body intelligence, our energy systems, to achieve internal balance and wellness. It will look and feel different for each individual, as everything is energy and we live in the ever-changing frequencies of this energy.
Energy Wellness (also known as Energy Alignment, Energy Medicine, Biofield Medicine or Listening Medicine by Scientists) is a safe and natural way to become aware of and to align the energies that flow in, out, and around our bodies, to maximize our ability to live with, and in, greater ease and joy, and to move through life in a way that feels correct and healthy to and for us! Once I discovered what this truly meant for me, from my real-life experiences with incredible energetic shifts, I knew deep in my bones that this was meant for me to practice and share!
With the right intentions, tools, training, and techniques, combined with my knowledge and love for these energy systems, and being guided by Source, I help to encourage harmony within the energy flows of our bodies, creating the ability to learn to become more aware, to feel more aligned, to give permission to tuning into your desires, and to self-heal! For you, your family, and for all of those that you have contact and connection with.
A little bit more about me ….
My greatest role ever is that of being a Mom, alongside my supportive and loving life partner, Nick! I have been gifted the ongoing and absolute glorious opportunity to impact, in the ways that are destined to be, five beautiful humans in this life. I have been privileged to experience and experiment with what it is to be a teenage mom, a married mom, a single mom, a remarried mom, a bonus mom, a reparented mom … A MOM! I love being a Mom! Having the awareness now to embody what it truly means be an energy being, living in an energy world, has been such a gift, to me, my children, my family, to everyone in my life … a beautiful gift of realization, acceptance, and allowance! It is ever-evolving, as we are ever-changing, ever-growing, and ever-transforming into what it means to live as our highest, most truest self …. as an energy being! Unique to each of us, through our own life experiences!
As long as I can remember, I have been quite sensitive to the energies around me, being able to feel and sense into others, feeling like I could always help in some way. This led me to dive into Psychology, and then Nursing. After becoming a Registered Nurse, and really feeling into the patients that I was able to care for, and loving what I could do with and for others, it led me to question “what else is possible?” I started to explore what could be done with the abilities that I knew I carried, that I haven’t quite allowed myself to fully explore, but that were meant to be shared …. that we all are born with, and this led me to seek out energy alignment therapies.
After the initiation into my “energetic upgrade”, received in August 2015, I was introduced to Access Consciousness, and this was my start with hands-on energy healing and alignment. Human Design was presented to me shortly after, and discovering what it was, and what it meant for me as a Projector, I was immediately drawn in and knew “this was it”, this is what I have been searching for. I fully embraced my HD Projector type, and started to honor and live it! I immersed myself in a variety of self study and professional coursework and practicum. This path continued to lead me to further deepen my connection and desire to energy healing and alignment with exploring and incorporating Mindfulness, Meditation, Sound Healing, Aromatherapy, and Breathwork techniques into my daily life. Through my journey, I have become a Certified in Emotion Code, completed programs to deepen my connection in Intuitive Healing, Soul Work, and Mediumship, along with course completion in Subconscious Belief Work. I study Energy Medicine with Eden Energy Medicine, and Instinctual Meditation with Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine, and have taken all of my Reiki training courses through teachers at The International Center for Reiki Training. My relationship with Reiki was then ready to fully blossom, and I began teaching Reiki classes to others following this spiritual path as well. I am Certified in Usui/Holy Fire Level III 1&2, Usui/Holy Fire III Master, and Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki. I practice and teach the Usui and Holy Fire system of Reiki as a Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, all through The International Center for Reiki Training with plans to continually evolve and deepen my connection with Reiki, while sharing it with you!
This is what I have been on this journey for in this life!
This is my TRUE passion . . . to merge our inner and outer worlds, living as energy beings, transcending towards wholeness with compassionate, loving, and conscious self-healing practices, while integrating it all into our everyday lives! Elevating our consciousness and co-creating our desired higher timelines with ease and happiness! This is us! It’s so exciting!
This journey - my journey, our journey - is far from being complete, as I plan to be ever-evolving!
If you’re ready, I invite you to come along with me and my family, to transform and continue
to live in our highest vibrations together!!
Much LOVE to you!! Always!!
Living my souls remembered
truth as a loving guide, sharing my
passion of healing, while helping to
restore wellness and balance within.
Our beautifully blended family!